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Sarcoidosis Program

Sarcoidosis Clinic
Sarcoidosis Clinic
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Health Care Center
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第二外语. 公司C
90 Presidential Plaza, Syracuse, NY 13202
电话: 315 464-3835
传真: 315 464-3837
小时:Tuesdays 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Clinic Details

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 on Facebook Sarcoidosis Support Group of CNY


What causes Sarcoidosis?

Despite extensive research in the field of Sarcoidosis, 我们还不能确定结节病的确切病因. 然而, the exposures to mold/mildew, 农业和农药使用行业的就业与结节病的风险增加有关. 船舶工人中有聚集性结节病病例报告, 对世贸中心袭击做出反应的消防队员和救援人员

What affects the incidence of sarcoidosis?

The disease can affect people of every race, sex and age. Sarcoidosis is 更多的 common in African-Americans, and those of German, 爱尔兰, Scandinavian, Asian and Puerto Rican origin. 它最常见于20至40岁的年轻人. It is slightly 更多的 common in women than men.

Does it run in family?


What are the signs and symptoms of Sarcoidosis?

 约50%的结节病患者在诊断时没有症状. 无症状患者的疾病是在常规体检时偶然发现的胸部x线或由于其他原因进行的CT扫描/ x线.

In symptomatic patient, most common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, 胸部疼痛. 其他症状可能是体重减轻、发烧、食欲不振、抑郁、盗汗. Patients can also have other organs specific symptoms like:

  • Skin: bumps, ulcers, flat, discolored 皮肤 lesions,
  • Eye: blurring of vision, pain, itching and redness in eyes
  • 心脏:心悸,昏厥,呼吸急促,腿肿
  • 大脑 & Nerves: Headaches, vision problems, 癫痫发作, weakness or 麻木 of an arm or leg, drooping of one side of the face, 刺痛, 麻木
  • 淋巴结:淋巴结肿大,感觉颈部、腹股沟有肿块
  • Liver: Fatigue, jaundice

How is Sarcoidosis diagnosed?

The diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be complex and challenging. 诊断通常通过受影响器官的活检来证实. 然而,对眼睛、心脏或大脑等重要器官进行活组织检查可能并不容易,也不可能. 在这种情况下,我们寻找其他器官部位(最常见的是肺或淋巴结或皮肤病变),这些部位很容易被活检.

Apart from biopsy, 供应商也可以进行肺功能测试,以评估肺损伤的程度, some blood test to assess kidney function, calcium level, liver function test, 眼科检查, electrocardiogram to asses heart, 脑部核磁共振成像.

How is it usually treated?

并不是每个被诊断患有结节病的人都需要治疗. The reason is that, 用于治疗结节病的药物有几个副作用,如前所述, 约50%的结节病患者在诊断时没有症状,他们的结节病在接下来的2-3年内自行消退,无需治疗. 只有那些有明显症状的患者才开始进行药物治疗 & symptoms, or significant organ function impairment on tests. The patients who do not meet criteria to start treatment, are followed closely with serial breathing test, blood test and chest X-ray for worsening. 用于结节病的药物是皮质类固醇(强的松)和其他免疫抑制药物(甲氨蝶呤), Azathioprine, Mycophenolate, Hydroxychloroquine, 英夫利昔单抗). 免疫抑制药物用于低剂量强的松不能控制疾病或有强的松副作用的患者.

What course sarcoidosis can take in a patient?

The course of sarcoidosis varies greatly among people.

在大多数情况下,结节病无症状或症状轻微. Symptoms may go away or if asymptomatic, 不经治疗,胸部x光检查可能在几年内恢复正常.

Some patients can have moderate form of sarcoidosis, in which inflammation remains but does not worsen. 患有中度结节病的人可能有症状或突然发作,有时只需要治疗.

严重形式的结节病在一段时间内慢慢恶化, and can cause permanent organ damage. Treatment can help, but the disease may still leave scar tissue in the lungs, 皮肤, eyes or other organs. 大约三分之一的肺结节病患者最终会造成永久性肺损伤. 对于一些病人来说,结节病可以变成慢性的,持续多年.

What kind of doctor would specialize in sarcoidosis?

结节病通常由肺科医生和风湿科医生治疗. 然而, 一个多部位结节病患者可以在综合结节病护理中心接受结节病专家更好的治疗,该中心包括来自不同专科的医生(肺科医生), ophthalmologist, rheumatologist, cardiologist, 神经学家, 皮肤科医生)共同为病人做出治疗决定. 我们在上州医科大学提供全面的结节病护理.

How important is a Sarcoidosis support group?

结节病是一种很多人都没有听说过的疾病. So, if a person gets this diagnosis, he or she may feel alone. In that case, 加入一个支持小组可以通过与有类似经历的人交谈和学习来帮助病人处理结节病. 我们在CNY有由当地结节病患者组织的结节病支持小组项目.

Sarcoidosis Patient Liaison: 

Maryann Carney, RN
Direct Line: 315-464-2778
传真: 315-464-3837


Ramsay-Sami S Farah, MD
Ramsay-Sami S Farah, MD
315 464-3833
Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: Dermatology; Dermatopathology; Mohs Microscopic Surgery; Actinic Keratosis; Allergic Reactions; Atopic Dermatitis; 更多的
教育: SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse
Education Interests:
  • National 会议
  • Medical Staff Lectures
  • Community Lectures
  • Medical Student & Intern Education
Associations/Memberships: Onondaga County Medical Society, Vice President

Savio John, MD, AGAF, FACG
Savio John, MD, AGAF, FACG
315 464-8668
Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: Internal Medicine; Gastroenterology; Transplant Hepatology; Alcoholic Fatty Liver; Ascites, Malignant; Chronic Hepatitis; 更多的
教育: St. John's Medical College, Bangalore University, India
Associations/Memberships: American College of Gastroenterology (ACG); American Gastroenterological Association; American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)

Hom P Neupane, MD
Hom P Neupane, MD
315 464-3836
Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: Internal Medicine; Rheumatology; Allergy; Arthritis; Bursitis; Dermatomyositis; 更多的
教育: Chittagong Medical College, Bangladesh

Birendra P Sah, MD, FCCP
Birendra P Sah, MD, FCCP
315 464-3835
Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: Internal Medicine; Pulmonary Diseases; Critical Care Medicine; Asthma; Bronchiectasis; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD ); 更多的
教育: B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Science, Dharan, Nepal
研究 Interests:



Clinical Interests:


Pulmonary Artery Hypertension

Associations/Memberships: American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP); American Thoracic Society (ATS); Society of Critical Care Medicine

Robert T Swan, MD
Robert T Swan, MD
315 464-5253
Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: Ophthalmology; Autoimmune Disease; Cataract; Eye Allergy; Eye Infections; Glaucoma; 更多的
教育: SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University
Education Interests:

Resident Education

Clinical Interests:

Ocular Inflammatory Disease

Associations/Memberships: American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); American Uveitis Society; Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology

Birendra Sah,医学博士,是一位专门治疗结节病的上州肺病学家.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 pulmonologist Birendra Sah, MD, 这就解释了为什么患有这种复杂疾病的人在接受专业专家的治疗后通常会好转.